Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Copycat Candidates?

Mary Ann Akers at the Washington Post (who looks surprisingly like Tina Fey) discusses in this post allegations by the Edwards campaign that Barack Obama stole the line "We need a president not afraid to use the word 'union.'" from them.

Well, Illiac Dendral is not afraid to say the word "union", but that hardly matters. When was the last time unions were a serious force in American politics anyway? 1960? The amount of market share unions possess these days has slipped enormously since the heyday of the union movement. What's astonishing is that Obama and Edwards feel they need to brawl over the union vote. Seriously? That's what you guys are going to spend your energy on?

Mr. Dendral believes that there are more important things with which to concern ourselves. The environment, the War in Iraq, international terrorism, technological advances, the economy--and Edwards and Obama choose to squabble over who's more pro-union. Once again, the paucity of disparate views in the political process indicates the need for an independent candidate. A candidate who stands out from the pack. A candidate who is not beholden to yesterday's interest groups, and so is free to address tomorrow's problems. In short, a candidate like Illiac Babbage Dendral.

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